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Oculus VR News | July 7, 2024

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Contributor: FRΛNK R.



Founder of Enjoys learning to code, creating art/drawing, and exploring the next paradigm shift in virtual and augmented reality, spatial computing, and artificial intelligence, as we venture on this immersive journey into the Metaverse.

Posts By FRΛNK R.

Oculus Plans to Sell Consumer Rift at the ‘Lowest Cost Possible’

June 11, 2014 |

When Facebook announced plans to buy Oculus VR in March for $2 billion, there were many questions raised on how this partnership would ultimately benefit Oculus and the future of VR.

Well, much of those initial concerns are slowly being … Read More

Naughty Dog Co-Founder Jason Rubin Joins Oculus VR

June 10, 2014 |

Today, Oculus VR announced another high-profile gaming industry veteran to join the ranks of its ever-growing team of talent. Former THQ president and Naughty Dog co-founder Jason Rubin will take on the role as head of worldwide studios for Oculus.

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Control VR Gloves Delivers Gesture Control for the Oculus Rift

June 7, 2014 |

The Oculus Rift headset has literally changed the game by delivering a platform that makes you feel you are actually inside a virtual world. But, while the headset achieves an amazing sense of presence as you look around inside VR, … Read More

Words With Friends Co-Creator Announces Lucky’s Tale for Oculus Rift

June 5, 2014 |

Paul Bettner, co-creator of the highly successful mobile game Words with Friends, is making a new game called Lucky’s Tale exclusively for the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset. Lucky’s Tale, is being developed as a third-person platforming adventure game in partnership … Read More

Oculus VR Hires Former Steam Boss Jason Holtman as Head of Platform

June 4, 2014 |

Oculus VR has hired another ex-Valve employee to join its impressive roster of gaming industry veterans. Jason Holtman, former director of business development for Valve, has been named Head of Platform for the Oculus Rift. According to Oculus, Holtman will … Read More

Samsung Working with Oculus on VR Headset for Smartphones

June 1, 2014 |

Early rumors of Samsung building its own virtual reality headset to compete against the Oculus Rift seem to have taken an interesting turn. According to new details by Engadget, it appears Oculus VR and Samsung are actually working together on … Read More

Second Life Now Supports the Oculus Rift VR Headset

May 26, 2014 |

Linden Lab, the creator of Second Life, has announced features to support and fully integrate the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset. With the use of the new Project Viewer players will be able to experience Second Life through the eyes … Read More

ZeniMax Files Lawsuit Against Oculus over Virtual Reality Technology

May 22, 2014 |

Earlier this month, ZeniMax, owner of developer id Software, accused Oculus VR and former id employer John Carmack of stealing intellectual property used in the development and success of the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset, which Facebook announced to purchase … Read More

Oculus VR Hires Google Glass Lead Engineer Adrian Wong

May 16, 2014 |

The latest addition to the Oculus VR dream team is Google Glass lead electrical engineer Adrian Wong. TechCrunch recently noticed Wongs’ LinkedIn profile updated as an Oculus VR employee, and goes on to currently describe his job position as “Building … Read More

‘Halo 4’ Art Director Kenneth Scott Joins Oculus VR

May 14, 2014 |

Over the last few months, Oculus has been attracting top talent throughout the industry to join its growing company. Its latest addition to its high-profile roster of veteran game developers is the former art director of 343 Industries and id … Read More